DIY trend continues

Western-style weddings have come to be dominated by a term formerly applied to dads and uncles fixing leaky faucets and painting walls. DIY has now dominated the wedding industry for the better part of a decade and the trend won’t slow for a while.

Historically, weddings, like nearly everything else, were do it yourself because unless you were in the bourgeoisie, there was no one else to do it for you. That trend changed when people gained more social and economic capital after the industrial revolution. The early 1900s were one of the first times in history when middle class families could afford to pay dedicated professionals to work for them and produce a more enjoyable and comprehensive wedding.

Wedding couples increasingly relinquished decision making as the 20th century wore on. First to the cartoonish concept of the domineering mother in law and later to a slew of professionals, competing to make life easier for the bride and groom. What are some ways to DIY at your wedding?

Like music? Express yourself!

Like music? Express yourself!

  1. The cake

    Many people want an easy way to customize their wedding. Instead of a massive cake that feeds the whole crowd, why not set aside a fun day for you and your spouse to bake something custom together?

  2. The table numbers

    Tables named after places significant to you as a couple like street names, vacation destinations and the like show a personal touch and add meaning to seemingly insignificant parts of your day.

  3. Thank you cards

    Don’t give yourself carpal tunnel by writing everything you think on 150 cards. Use one of the photos your pro photographer shot as a customized thank you card.

For additional inspiration, check out these posts from Junebug weddings and The Spruce.