How reliable will my wedding live stream be?

Years ago, being present for something important without physically being there was a figment of science fiction. Sometimes, we all feel like we are living in the future. Live streams have become an enjoyable part of daily life, where we can join our favorite musicians, friends or anyone else as we sit at home, go for a walk or (hopefully not) drive!

Many of my clients have chosen a live stream, and they have gone well. The confounding reality is that live streams can be disrupted for a variety of reasons. Even the strongest of connections is subject to the whims of the internet. Technology fails us, inexplicably at times. I try to emphasize that the surest way of seeing your wedding replayed is having it recorded and uploaded immediately.

This is not to say that a live stream is not a good idea. It certainly is. They haven’t failed yet, and I have several backup options in case we run into tech difficulties. Here is a little tour of my gear:

  1. The ATEM mini

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This is a switcher which makes navigating between angles and exporting to Livestream, YouTube, FB, zoom, or any other service easy.

2. Sling Studio

Serving as its own wireless router, this hub transmits a strong signal and utilizes camera linking devices to connect wirelessly and be controlled by an iPad, a phone or a laptop.

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While using ethernet, creating backup links and having multiple backup options can create a degree of certitude, nothing replaces a live wedding videographer with editing capabilities!